october, 2023

26oct(oct 26)9:00 am28(oct 28)11:30 pmAFI National Conference 2023

Event Details

AFI National Conference

26th to 28th October 2023


Australian Foundry Institute

This year, the National Conference of the Australian Foundry Institute will be held in Melbourne at the Marriott Hotel in the central business district.

There is a full range of presentations suitable for Production Staff, Technicians, Managers, Business Owners and Suppliers to the Metal Casting industry.

The keynote speaker is John Campbell from the UK, a leading author, researcher and educationalist on the technical aspects of metal casting. John’s multiple presentations on the theme of “Tomorrow’s Castings”, will be showing a pathway for castings in all alloys, to be produced free of defects. This fundamental knowledge can be applied in any plant, and has the capacity to transform the casting process.

There will be an interesting range of subjects by other presenters, including:

  • Energy Users Outlook and Updates
  • Titanium Casting Technology
  • Australian Produced V12 Engines
  • Alliance Connect and Campbell Methods
  • Scrap Export Restrictions

For the full program and for registrations, please go to https://www.australianfoundryinstitute.com.au/conferences/57th-annual-national-conference/


afi conference 2023




26 (Thursday) 9:00 am - 28 (Saturday) 11:30 pm


Marriott Hotel Melbourne

Cnr Exhibition and Lonsdale Street